Thursday, April 29, 2010

Not a whole lot new to report...

So I´ve hit a slow point in my service here. The coffee group I´m working with has been arranging their inaguration of the coffee peeling machine they finally are figuring out how to work and the other group of farmers in town are in the middle of a huge land battle over thier farms. Neither of these are things that I can really help with, so I´ve been keeping myself busy with garden work and other small projects. Next month I´m heading over the the Comarca Ngobe Bugle to help with an Agribusiness seminar and then go visit a couple of freinds in their sites in the area and I have a new trainee visiting me right before that, so May will be a much busier month.

The following are some pictures I took of the animals around my house.
This is the dog that recently adopted me. I gave it food a couple of times and now it just hangs around the house all day. It even started to follow me out into the monte when I go out to do work. The kids in town tell me its name is La NiƱa.
A little hard to see, but in the second hole down on this dead palm trunk is an owl. The tree is slowly falling over, hopefully not right into my house. Some kids were out trying to knock down the tree the other day and it took off into the jungle.

Monkeys! I´ve been trying to get a good picture of some of them for a while but they´re never around when I have my camera and always are when I don´t. These ones were hanging out in the trees above the bus stop this morning.